Lifeline about Cancer

Definition of Cancer?
A term for a condition in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. There are different main kind of “Cancer.” Carcinoma is a tumor that starts in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Cancer cells can also extend to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Sarcoma is a tumor that starts in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is cancer that begins in blood-forming tissue, such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to produced and enters the blood. Central nervous system cancers are tumors that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that start in the cells of the immune system.

Symptoms of Cancer

·         Skin changes :
·         A new mole or a replacement in an existing mole
·         A sore that does not heal

·         Breast changes :
o    Replacement in size or shape of the breast or nipple
o    The difference in the texture of breast skin

·         Problems with eating :

o    A hard time swallowing
o    Replacement in appetite

o   Unusual bleeding or discharge :
o    Blood in the stool
o    Blood in the urine
o    Vaginal bleeding
·         A condense or lump on or under the skin
  • gravelly or a cough that does not go away
·         Changes in bowel habits
·         Difficult or painful urination
  • Weight obtain or loss with no known reason
·         Abdominal pain
·         Unexplained night sweats
·         Feeling weak or very tired
Generally, early cancer does not cause pain. If you have manifestation, do not wait to feel pain before seeing a doctor. Most commonly, these symptoms are not due to cancer. Benign tumors or other problems may also cause them.


Most forms of the disease expected to genetic evolution of cells that happen within a person's life as a result of surroundings element virtual as cigarette smoke or subjection to sparkle. Slavery to the following environmental factors can cause cancer:
  • Tobacco smoking: Smoking source lung cancer and also related to an expand fear for cancers of the mouth, laryngeal, cardiac sphincter, vesica, and cervical.
  • Chemical: Exposure to industrial dyes, asbestos, and benzene linked to the tumor.
  • Electron radiation: A connection between ionizing radiation and cancer has made, but the require amount of sparkle exposure that increases the risk of cancer is not known.
  • Sunlight: Prolonged exposure (e.g., sun tanning) causes skin damage and may result in skin cancer.



  • Aciurgy is often a part of a therapy strategy when a people have a malignancy cancer. Also, a specialist may remove lymph nodes to reduce or prevent the disease's spread.
  • X-ray therapy uses high-dose emanation to kill cells. Also, a doctor may suggest using radiation to shrink a tumor before surgery or reduce tumor-related symptoms.
  • Chrysotherapy goal to kill malignant cells with medications that reference quickly separate cells. The drugs can also help fall cancers, but the side effects can be intense.
  • Hormone therapy regard is taking medications that replace how certain hormones work or interact with the body's sensitivity to produce them. When hormones play a probative significant role, as with prostate and breast tumors, this is universal progress.
  • The therapy uses medications and other treatments to boost the immune system and encourage it to fight cancerous cells. Two examples of these treatments are checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive cell transfer.
  • Targeted therapies perform functions within cancerous cells to prevent them from multiplying. They can also boost the immune system. Two types of these therapies are small-molecule drugs and monoclonal antibodies.


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